Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Back home

We are back home and V is so happy!!
We just got back from V's doctors appointment. V weighs 13.11 pounds (10th percentile), length is 25 inches (10th percentile). I am so happy that V finally passed the 5% mark.
Yesterday I sang "Happy Half-Birthday" to her. She just smiled. I can't believe that she is 6 months old. Time passes so quickly.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Spent time with Great-Grandma

John's Grandma came over to his parents house today. It is great to see her and V together. Virginia was of course excited to see her. She has been great this whole trip. Yesterday we kept her out until 10pm because of the wedding last night. She did amazinly well. She only got a little cranky once and that was because she was starting to get hungry. Of course when we got in the car to leave she fell right to sleep. I don't even think we made it out of the parking lot before she was out.

Thor has loved the trip too. He just loves new places. New smells and new sites.

John was excited to see some friends he hasnt' seen in a long time. We went to his H.S. reunion last night but by the time we made it there it was 11pm and a lot of people had already left. Some people were at the wedding so he did get to see some people there.

We are on the road tomorrow on our way back home. V will be happy to sleep in her own bed tomorrow night. Of course she will probably be a bear in the nursery Sunday during church-sorry Rachel and Vance!

Friday, July 25, 2008

In Kansas

Well we are back in kansas. We came to go to a wedding of one of John's good friends and then to John's 10 year class reunion. I am just hoping that Virginia does well. She has been a little cranky lately and don't want her to be crying during the wedding. The wedding is outside and wouldn't have a place to calm her down.

She was so excited to see her Oma and Opa. She is just too cute!

John goes to work part-time at Sears again starting Thursday. It is going to be a tough time for us. John is going to be extremely tired and I am going to be extremely lonely. I am use to him being there during the mornings. But we will get through it. It is only temporary.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

blah blah blah

Virginia has grown like a weed.  It is crazy how big she is now.  She must be going through another growth spurt because she is sleeping all the time.  She slept all through mom's group today.  
I have to help Avery build a church now with blocks.  I will write more later.