Tuesday, June 30, 2009

lost forever

It is official, I have lost my camera. I can't believe it! I had taken it to the pool a few days ago to take pics of V's first time swimming in a public pool. I must have either put it under a chair at the pool and forgot it or someone got in my bag when I was helping the boys swim and had taken it. Either way, it is gone with an entire memory card worth of pics that I hadn't transfered over yet. I am VERY VERY VERY upset right now.
So now I am in need of a new camera but they are so expensive that I just don't know what to do at the moment. If I am going to replace mine I want to get a nice one. I have been wanting to get into photography for the last couple of years but my camera didn't let me do much. I guess this is the way I am going to get a better camera now.

Fair is coming up for the kids at the ranch. I now nothing about fair. I just helped Mr. Halquist (the 4H teacher and equine therapist) with 4H for the last 3 hours. I learned a lot! I didn't know that you had to be so specific with all measurements and feeding amounts. The more I learn about fair, the more excited I am to see all of the kids hard work.

Rupert has their July 4th fireworks tonight (it dosen't make much sense to me either). I am trying to decide whether to take the kids or not. The fireworks won't start until it gets dark, around 10pm. The kids have their last full day of summer school tomorrow and we won't be getting home till probably 11:30 and that means they won't be in bed a somewhat settled until midnight. I know that they would have fun but I just don't know if it is worth the hassel. (it also would mean that I would have to be up until midnight and I am not excited about that)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

sore body

I was going to post some pics but can't seem to find my camera. I am sure it is around here somewhere.

Yesterday we went on a horse ride in the mountains. I am still amazed at the open access of land here. The state owns most of the land in Idaho so it is free to the public. Back in MO you have to ask to use the river because someone owns it, here you just pick a spot and start fishing. It is grand.
Anyway, we left the ranch around 9:30am and arrived at Sun Valley around 11:30. We then rode horses until 2pm, ate lunch and rode back. I rode a horse named Sassy and she has earned every bit of her name. She has a mind of her own. She kept throwing me into trees, other horses and other riders. She is also a biter. She bit one boy, me and several horses. Sassy did not like to be passed so when another horse would come along she would bite them on the neck. She is sassy, but I like her. We got back to the ranch around 7pm and then it was dinner, showers and lights out. We were exhausted.
I don't know how people ride horses all the time. I am so sore! My whole body hurts and I have lifeguard class again today until Friday.
Virginia stayed with her Aunt Brenda and had fun all day. She got to play with another girl her age named Alexis. They are best friends now.
We have painted our living room and dining room, entrance way and front door. If I can ever find my camera I will take some pics and post them.
Tomorrow is our down day and we have Thursday to Monday off. I can't wait!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

frisbee golf

Apparently frisbee golf is HUGE here in Idaho. The clinician, Jason, holds some kind of records for it.
Today the girls went on an all day horse ride so it was just us and the boys at the ranch today. Jason decided to take them out of school early and all go to a park and play Frisbee Golf. I didn't know there were certain frisbees for it and that some are for distance, some for curving and so forth. I guess there are huge tournaments for it. What dorks!
The boys had such a great time. Jason told them that if they could beat his score, giving himself an 18 stroke handicap, then he would buy them rootbeer floats. They boys did great, as a collective they had only 9 over par. We had rootbeer floats tonight! We are also watching Edward Scissor Hands right now too. It has been a great and much awaited for night considering the nights we have been having with the boys.
I took some pics but am too lazy right now to get up and go to the house to get the camera. Maybe I will post them tomorrow. I am excited to have the next 4 days off! And then Thursday we get to go on our horse ride!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

not enough hours

I have been exuasted lately. Here is my schedule, most days:
7am-wake up, get dressed, get V up and dressed
7:30am-go to lodge and walk to caf to eat breakfast
7:45-make sure the boys do their kitchen chores
8am-go to either pigs or horses with boys
10am-off until 12noon
12-go to lunch
12:15-make sure the boys do their kitchen chores
12:30-off until 3:30
3:30-have kids do LMA (large muscle activities like walking, running, skateboarding, etc)
4:30-either family meeting, life skill (yesterday we taught them how to mop & sweep properly) or health group (we are going to teach them how to composte and eat from the earth)
6:00-dinner time
6:15-make sure the boys do their kitchen chores
6:30-8:30-free time or homework time or table time (if they say a bad word)
9:00-quite time, in their own rooms
9:30-lights out

Our days are pretty packed. Plus we have to try to throw in some Virginia time in there too.

Today was our down day so we had from after breakfast until 3:30 off. We went to Twin (kind of like Joplin) and went to eat at an Italian resturant and then to Lowes, Old Navy and Target. I bought some boy shorts at Old Navy because all of their guy clothing was 50% off for Fathers Day.

I am doing Life Guard training right now. I passed my first swim test and then had class tonight. It is quite a process! We take our test July 2nd.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Boise went great! Virginia was amazing!
We went to the park and had lunch and waited on the Hays Shelter group to meet us there. The kids and staff (myself not included because I had to watch V) played softball and it looked like they had a great time. After that we went to Hays where they showed us around the facility and made us dinner. Hays is beautiful! It is a new building that has a very modern look. It is on the website if anyone is interested in looking at it. They cooked us an amazing meal of hotdogs, hamburgers, brats, mac & cheese, fruit salad, potato salad, brownies and much more. It was nice to meet the staff their as well. Hays is a short term facility for kids in crisis. The crisis could be that they are run aways's, been abused, been in trouble with the courts or any number of reasons. Because of this they are very very strict, but it is good.
I drove one of the vans back with V and two girls. It was a great ride. I got to hear their life stories and ask them questions and they got to ask me questions. I am thankful that I had that opportunity to get to know them. I was afraid I just wouldn't be able to get to know the girls for some time since the boys take up so much of my time.
Today is church day which is bitter sweet. I miss my Mystery family but am excited to add to it with the church family here. I was sad to hear that ususally only 2 boys go to church. Hopefully that will change.

Friday, June 5, 2009

booty patrol

Well it is day 5 of V having diarhea. It has not been fun. It is only 1pm and she is already on her third pair of pants. Her poor little booty has been so red and sore. She has been acting fine, thankfully. You wouldn't tell just by looking at her that she is sick.
Here is the scoop on the job. When we took the job we were told that our first day would be Monday June 8th. We found out yesterday that our first day is TODAY! Talk about poor communication! But everything is okay. Today has been odd. We offically started at 9. We were suppose to go to the office to start paperwork but then found out that one of us (John) was suppose to go help the boys with the pigs. Then we were suppose to meet with one of the relief staff at lunch and she was to "show us the ropes." She wasn't there! She had to take her husband to the dr's and I guess she is still there. All I know is that the boys get out of school at 2:30 and I am hoping she is back by then because I don't know what I am suppose to be doing!
John and I started painting the place today. We are painting the family room and the living room what was suppose to be a brown color but ended up being more green. It is not what I picked out but I like it! We are going to paint an accent wall a dark orange but we cannot agree on which wall the accent should be. We have a really nice brand new couch that we get to use. It was one that the Today show donated as well as a bookshelf (also from the Today show) and a table, an outside bench and possibly some end tables. Everything is slowly coming together. We still don't have groceries yet though. We are going to have to do that on one of our down days which I think is Monday or Tuesday.
V has been transitioning well. She has been sleeping a lot! (of course except right now when she is suppose to be napping!). I think the altitude has been making her sleepy as well has probably being a factor to her diarhea. All of the kids love her. Yesterday the girls took her and played with her in the grass where they were sitting it was cute to see her sitting in their circle like she was one of them.
I posted some pictures on facebook and am hoping to post some of our place pre-painted. We will see, it is going to be a crazy evening!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

trying to sing in the rain

V and I are off to Idaho today. She has been really great with all of the changes and stress. Although, she has been waking up at 6:30 in the morning which in Idaho is not going to fly considering it will be 5:30 am there.
Yesterday she was playing in the water in her Oma & Opa's backyard. Of course she was naked and had a blast!!! It was fun to watch.
V has really misssed your dada. She keeps calling for him. I told her this morning that she was going to see him tonight and she screamed. I can't say that she knew what I was saying but it was a funny response.
I really don't like just sitting here knowing that if I were home i would be getting ready for Mom's Morning. I really miss all of them already! It is going to be extra hard on Sunday! I keep thanking God for all of my wonderful friends that have bleesed me and my family. I keep trying to remind myself that I am going to see them again. It's not like I am never going to go back to Joplin. I am going to make a scrapbook for Virginia with all of her friends in it so that she won't forget them. I am excited to get it started for her!