Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas pictures

Monday, December 22, 2008

all I want for Christmas are my two front teeth...

It is offcial, Virginia now has 4 teeth. Her second top tooth broke through today. I tried getting a picture of it but V wasn't very cooperative.
She has really shown she has her own voice. She has been talking all the time(sometimes even talking back!).
She is still trying to open the presents under the tree. She is obsessed with one of John's. I don't know why.

Mystery has purchased a building. We are going to be moving into the old Dioko building. We are pretty excited. Our first service there will be Christmas Eve but we won't be having Sunday service there until the second week in January. I have had so many great memories in that building and am excited to have even more there now!!

I am kind of sad that my mom's group won't be meeting again until January. V and I missed the last two so by the time we meet again it will have been a month and a half. Too long!!! I love hanging out with my fellow moms and look forward to it every week.

V has been laughing more and more. It is hilarious!!! She will crack herself up. It dosen't matter whether she is in bed, her car seat or sitting on someones lap, she will cackle nonstop and loud!!! It is such a cute little chuckle!

V had her first "big girl bath" this past week and her first icecream sandwich.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

standing alone

Virginia is starting to stand without holding on to anything. She stood the longest this afternoon, a whole 5 seconds. I was so proud of her. I think she knows that she is doing something great because she gets the biggest smile on her face. She refuses to take steps though, I will walk with her holding on to her arms and she just stands there. Oh, well. She isn't even 11 months old and I am in no big hurry for her to walk.

We purchased out tree and I had it all decorated when she was napping. I was so excited for her to see and to see the look on her face when she woke up. What did she do...look at and look away. She could not have cared less. In fact she dosen't even go over to the tree when she is on the floor. I know that is a good thing but it is just weird. I thought babies liked to pull the ornaments off the tree. She just likes to grab the presents.

I have hers and my stockins completed. I decided to hold off on finishing Johns, it is going to take a long time.

I just found out that Courtney is pregnant now. It is going to be crazy when all of the family gets together after this summer. There will be three new babies and Virginia, Marlee and Naiyah. It is going to be loud! Everyone bring your earplugs!

Friday, December 5, 2008

apparently pigs can fly!

I went and picked up The Tales of Beedle the Bard. I had no idea what the book was about but knew I just had to have it! I get home and show John, excited about my new purchase, to have him know more about the book than I do. I told him I didn't know it would be such a small book (no wonder it was only $7.50!). John then tells me what the book is about and that it relates to the Harry Potter series. WHAT!!! He hates Harry Potter and he knows more about this than I do??? Something is wrong here! I finished the book in about 30 minutes and was so sad when it was over. I am ready for a new ever exciting series from the Ms. Rowling.
I am a person who gets excited when I get a good deal. I have to brag about it to someone. I caught myself coming home from running errands today and bragging to John about the good deals I received. I caught myself in the middle of my rant to realize what a dork I have become. I was jabbering on about how I searched through all of the Enfamil formula to find the last two that had 20% more free. I just don't get out much.

Monday, December 1, 2008

meeting santa

Virginia and I went to Christmas party #1 today. Parents as teachers held their party today. V and I only stayed for about 10 minutes, it was pretty much all for toddlers. V did get to have her picture taken with Santa, color a picture and get a free book (which is really the only reason we went). I should probably say in here that we are not making Santa a big deal for V. In fact she will probably never hear the whole story about Santa until she hits Kindergarten when other kids will tell her.

Her top tooth has broken through. It is just a little speck, but it is there. It dosen't seem to be bothering her anymore but she is chewing on things a lot.

Last Wednesday I ordered a car seat for Virginia off Amazon and saved $90. I was so excited and then was even more excited when I got free shipping. Then I was even more and more excited when the car seat arrived Saturday! I couldn't believe it. I ordered the seat at 9:30pm the day before Thanksgiving so I wasn't even expecting it for another two weeks! If anyone is in need of a car seat check out Amazon's Safety 1st Alpha Omega. It is only $70!!!! It is a pretty great seat. I have been researching them for the past two weeks.

I get to start my baking and chocolate making tomorrow. I am pretty excited. I am making truffles for our home group people. I am making truffles and chocolate dipped pretzels for my mom's group mom's.

John, V and I were so excited to watch it snow Sunday. It was so pretty. It is so sad that it didn't stick around though.