Saturday, May 23, 2009


Here are some pics of V. She fussed until I put her in the laundry basket with some of her stuffed animals. She stayed in it for quite a while.

Had moving sale #1 and was very happy with the outcome. I didn't sell any of the record players but came close twice. I did sell quite a bit of clothes but I have so many that you can't even tell. I am happy that I made the money that I wanted to make, I actually went over by 2.25!! Pretty close!

V spent the night with my family Friday and just came home an hour ago. I could tell she had a blast. When she came home she wasn't excited to see me which is fine because I know she had fun and didn't miss me.

Friday, May 15, 2009

the packing begins

I really do not enjoy packing! But then again, who does? I am thankful that I have 2 weeks to pack though. I am taking it one room at a time and slowly packing the items we just don't need for the next two weeks.
I have already had to start saying goodbye to friends. Tuesday I had to say goodbye to Cathy Jo. It made me cry.
I am really nervous about flying by myself with V. Our fist flight is almost 3 hours and the second is 1 1/2 hours. I am praying that she does great. I don't want to be the lady with the screaming kid on a plane!