Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hard Week

Well, this has been a tough few days. I found out Thursday that my cousin Kelley's baby died a week before he was to be born. When the baby (Cooper) dropped into the birth canal his cord wrapped around his chest cutting off his circulation. The funeral we this morning. I had never been to a baby or even a child's funeral before. He looked like a porcelin doll. He was so small and so was the casket. His older sister Conner (6 yrs old), after hearing that Cooper had died, said that Jesus must have needed him up in Heaven in case it rained again and God needed help builing the boat. How insightfull children can be. Amazing.

Virginia has done pretty well on this trip. She is battling an upper resp. infection as well as a double ear infection. Plus I think she is allergic to the antibiotic she is on. She will get a rash all over her body. My cousin Cari (Kelley's sister) who is a pharmacist said that she could go into aniphalctic shock and to watch it closley in case it gets worse. That kind of scares me. When we get home I am going to call the Dr. Her rash isn't that bad now but she still has four days left of her medicine.

John is at home alone right now. I am sure he is enjoying the quiteness but am also sure he is missing his girls. The last time we were gone for a couple of days he couldn't sleep the first night because it was too quite. I know Thor misses his baby 'Ginia. He was convulsing when we left. He loves his baby. V loves her puppy. It's funny to watch them play together.

We leave for home tomorrow. I am going to supprise one of my friends who lives in Bentonville on our way home. Hopefully she is working because I have no idea how to get to her house. I haven't seen her in about three months so it will be nice to see her again.