Tuesday, October 27, 2009

back to the grindstone

We are officially back at work now after being off for 16 days. I think the boys are in for a rude awakening here tonight and the next few nights. As we predicted, they were terrible while we were gone. I don't think it will take them long to conform back to our rules though.
V has been in a terrible mood today. She woke up at 6:30am wide awake. I got her out of bed and we laid on the couch together for awhile while I tried to go back to sleep. She has been fussy ever since. She hasn't even wanted to play with the boys.
It is incredibly cold here today. I got online to check the temp and was astounded to find that it said it was 32 degrees at 8:30am. It hasn't gotten any warmer either. Just a few minutes ago it started to lightly snow on John and I while we were walking back to the house. I am not ready for this kind of weather!
Here are some pics I took of V this morning. I have her all "chiefed" out today (maybe that's why she has been in a foul mood today).

Monday, October 26, 2009

finally finally

We went to MC Sports clearance sale and found two Bears onsies. Of course, we had to get them!

V "helping" Vance play Need for Speed.

Libby, V, Lilly, Gus and Payton having fun on the porch swing

V with her Uncle Goober at the Maple Leaf Parade

V having a tea party at her Oma and Opa's

I now can post more often like I have wanted to! John bought me a MacBook for Christmas 09 and Birthday '10!

We just got back from vacation. We departed on a two day trip back to Missouri. We first spent some time in KC with John's folks and then stayed in Webb City for the duration. The amazing Eden's let us bombard their guest room for the week.
We had a fun filled and packed schedule. We arrived on Friday and had dinner with my family since my Aunt, Uncle and cousins were in town for Maple Leaf. We then attended Maple Leaf where V loved the horses! Unfortunately we were rained out towards the end but V got to see the Clydesdale's and the marching cobras.
Sunday we then went to Mystery and had an amazing lunch with the Karnes and Edens. The rest of the week we were busy but relaxed.

We arrived back in Idaho Monday at 3am. John decided to drive straight through the night. Virginia didn't much care for that idea but we made it and because of that we have had all day to unwind and relax before starting back at it tomorrow morning.