Tuesday, March 31, 2009

sign language

Virginia is really started to communicate now. It is exciting! She will sign to tell me when she wants milk, eat, when she wants me to sing the ABC's, more and all done. It is too cute. Tonight we were sitting getting ready to sing her bedtime songs and I asked her what song she wanted. Virginia looks at me and starts moving her fingers around like I do when I sign the ABC's, of course meaning she wanted me to sing the ABC's. As I am singing to her she keeps kissing me everyother letter. I was laughing so hard but had to remember to kiss her back when she threw her face at me so that my teeth didn't hit her and make her cry. It was so funny! I kept laughing and then she started laughing...we had to sing a few more songs to calm us both back down.
We went to the House of Bounce today and V had a lot of fun. The last time we went she was too small to really play on the equipment. Today she went down the slides a couple of times and played in a big inflatable ring kicking a big ball around. She was laughing a ton!! She has been laughing a lot lately and I LOVE IT!!

Monday, March 30, 2009


"mwah" that is the sound that I hear all day long! Virginia loves to blow kisses to everyone and everything! When she blows kisses she makes the noise to go with it. It is so cute! She also picked up "uh-oh". Her one other new thing is that she is signing for "more" now that she says "more", It is odd that it seems like she is picking up her sign language after she can say the words.
V spent the night with her Nana Saturday night. Usually when that happens she comes back the next day in an awful mood because she hadn't slept much that day or the night before. She was so tired last night after she got home that she only ate two spoonfuls of food and then wanted to go to bed. She even slept in late and took a FOREVER long morning nap.
Yesterday I helped Ruth at her duathalon. There were 80 people there, which is amazing!! There were people there as young as 15 and as old as 68. It was incredible to watch them. I also got to ride a motorcycle for the first time with this. I was in charge of being the bike referee so I got to be intimidating for the first time in my life. I could tell that some of those bikers were scared silly when they saw me come up on them to make sure that they weren't breaking any of the rules. The dualthalon consisted of running 2 miles, biking 10 miles, running 2 miles and the fastest was 54 minutes...they BOOKED IT!!! The first two miles were run in 14 minutes! It jazzed me to go running again now that my ankle feels healed.
V is taking more steps. She averages around 3-4 now. She will just get up and take off, finally! Its almost like she walks and then realizes that she is walking so she plops down to crawl, it can be very frustrating!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thai idol

Yesterday John suprised me by taking me out to my favorite resturant for lunch, Magic Noodle a Thai resturant. It happned that we were the only customers and so the entire staff loved all over V. It was adorable! They ended up picking her up and showing her off to everyone that worked there, including grandma back in the kitchen. Every few seconds grandma would appear from the kitchen with a new toy for V to play with. We ended up leaving the resturant with a blue hippo that they gave her. Of course V loved it there because she was the center of attention.

I have come to the conclusion that Baby Einstein is like a hard drug for babies. Virginia gets hooked on it and looses all knowledge of her surroundings when she is watching it. As soon as she sees the catipiller come on in the beginning she is gone! John took some pictures of her sitting in her chair with her "dea-dea" watching her show. She looked so big sitting there on her own.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the mess

I have been trying to teach Virginia not to mess with the DVD's on the shelf in the dining room. Does she listen to me? NO! I am tired to smacking her hand all of the time so I have decided that when I tell her now 3 or 4 times and she is not listening that I will put her in her room and shut her door for 5 minutes. I did this the other day and the pictures that follow are what happened in a short 5 minute time span. The funny thing was that she didn't do it because she was upset, she just likes to pull EVERYTHING out of her drawers and off of her bookshelf.