Friday, October 17, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday Virginia and I went to the Pumpkin Patch with Parents As Teachers. We had a lot of fun but it was bitterly cold. V couldn't even smile for pictures at first. We rode a hay ride out to the actual patch and V got to pick her own pumpkin.

Tonight is the Maple Leaf Baby Contest. I really don't have any intention of winning but I thought it would be fun to enter her. I am not sure how it works or if there is even a prize but I think V will like to be around all of the kiddos.

After the contest we are going to go to the Webb City vs. Carthage football game (Go Tigers!!). We are meeting my best friend from high school, Ashley, there. It is going to be cold and crowded but fun.

Tomorrow is the big parade! We are meeting Ashley and her two girls there. I think V will like to see all of the floats, people and colorful leaves everywhere. I can't wait!!! I love Maple Leaf season!!

I almost forgot...V has cut her two bottom teeth!! She is such a trooper, she never even fussed when they were poking through. If you look closely you can see them in the picture of the two of us at the pumpkin patch.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

love those garage sales!

John and I left out early this morning for some garage sale-ing on Fort Leavenworth. There were some great sales. I purchased a lot of books for V and a couple for Lilly. We also found a Diaper Champ, which we are stoked about!! Found some Reeboks for V and a baby monitor. We made quite a hall!

V got to meet some of her Oma and Opa's friends, the Irwin's. V was of course her cute self, except towards the end she was pretty cranky.

Right now V is playing with her daddy and Thor is playing with his Opa. It is fun to sit here and listen to them play.

We are back on the road tommorrow for home.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Growing Up

V tried pulling up today. She pulled her upper body up and tried getting on her feet. She was on one foot and one knee. She just couldn't figure out how to get the other foot up. It was so much fun to watch. She was concentrating so hard on it.

She came garage saleing today with her Oma and Uncle Kyle. She had a lot of fun.

She is feeling better. She has her appetite back and is all happy again. It is so nice to have her back!

We went apple picking today and got a boat load of apples. I can't wait to get home and make some pies and applesauce!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

with the fam

Virginia is so funny. She is such a ham for the camera. She loves to pose and she is only 8 months old.

Right now we are in KC visiting. John is spending a couple of days with a highschool friend and then will meet up with us at his parents house. We were very excited to come up here (even Thor).

I am still ripping up carpet in the house. I have finally finished the family room and now am working on the living room. I will be so happy when the floors are done. I might have to reward myself when I am done. Maybe I will buy myself some ice cream or something.

V is sick again. At least she does not have ear infections again. She does have a upper resporitory infection again with addition to pink eye in both ears. She is such a trooper though. She fights past the discomfort and pain. Her poor little nose is so sore. I feel so bad for her. Her nose is all red and raw.