Saturday, January 31, 2009

..when you are having fun!

Time has flown by! I can't believe that Virginia is one! Just one year ago today V was released from the hospital. I remember being so scared that I was going to have to remember to feed her at certain intervals and was going to put her in her own bed. It was so nice having nurses doing those things for me! I remember sleeping on a VERY uncomfortable pull-out recliner in the NICU the night before. I don't think I slept at all that night!
Now I look at Virginia and see her walking around furniture, giggling, having a temper, having favorite toys and books and many many other personality traits. It is amazing! I am very proud of myself that I have not cried just thinking about it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

baby stepping to the door, baby stepping out the door...

I laughed outloud as I was typing the title for this post. If you don't know, that is Bill Murray in What About Bob. Anyway, it relates to what I am writing about because V is starting to finally take an interest in walking. She will hold onto my hands as I lead her around the house. It makes me happy! I know that she is still ahead of the learning curve but I was afraid she wouldn't start until after she was a year. She is very proud of herself as she is taking her "baby steps".

Virginia has a hatred for all things stacked. I love to play with her wooden blocks and stack them high until they fall (what can I say, I like to play with toys!). As soon as Virginia has spotted what I am doing she make a bee line straight for me and knocks down my blocks. It would be different if she were laughing and found this amuseing but she dosen't. Virginia knocks down my blocks with a straight face, neither happy or angry, and then goes about doing what she was doing before. It is very odd. I have now started a game with myself to see how high I can stack her blocks, cherrios, anything, before she spots me and knocks them down.

V has figured out that she has four teeth now and that means she can bite her spoon when she is eating. I was trying to feed her dinner last night when she would all of a sudden bite down on the spoon and not let me have it. She found this hilarious (I did too)!

Only 19 days until she turns ONE!!!