Saturday, February 28, 2009

You know you are in SWMO when...

You have your daughter wear shorts on Thursday and then it snows on Saturday and you have to bundle up your child to go to church on Sunday...crazy!!!
Virginia has 7 teeth now. Four on top and three on bottom. Your top teeth never caused her any trouble but her bottom teeth seem to hurt her a lot! Her seventh tooth is on the bottom and she screams and cries and has a runny nose from it. Today in church she was uncontrolable. I had to get up with her at the end because she was so loud. I know that it hurts her a lot and I feel so bad.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

life goes on

Virginia is still not walking. I try to coax her but it just dosen't work. She just drops down and crawls. I know that she will do it when she wants but I am just getting anxious.
Picture 1: V in her Valentines dress from her Oma and Opa
Picture 2: V's Valentines gift from her Oma and Opa (she was REALLY excited!)
Picture 3: rocking out in the kitchen
Picture 4: Superbowl Sunday! We were wishful thinking with the Chiefs cheerleading outfit.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

a walk to the post office

It is such a wonderful day out today! I decided to take V for a walk. We enjoyed it so much!!! We went to the post office and the pet shop. V loved to look at the birds and pet the rabbit and hamsters. The had HUGE fish that she gawked at.
Tomorrow Virginia and I are going to take Gavin to the park that is down the street from us. The two of them are going to have a TON of fun!! I can't wait to see that.