Monday, June 27, 2011

goodbye everything I know

Tonight will be the last time my girls (and possibly myself) will sleep in our WC house. It is kind of sad but exciting at the same time. If you are reading this and you live here please don't think I am bouncing off the walls happy and please don't be upset that I haven't said bye. Truth is, I am excited to live in a much better house and I don't feel like I need to say goodbye. We will live only 2.5 hours away and we will be visiting often. I do mean this too, I have to visit, my family lives here and I am pretty sure I would be killed if we didn't come down at least once a month or more. :)

My little ladies and I will be getting up bright and early tomorrow morning and head to KC in order for us to be at the closing at 10am. A little earlier than I was planning but it will be worth it. Oldest has been looking forward to this for a month now ever since she heard that we will be moving and she found out she will get her own room. Oldest is excited to have her train table set up in her room knowing that Youngest can't tear it up.

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